Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Converted to Islam After Watching This Video!

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Dear readers, I have a special message for you.

I was a Catholic Christian and after watching this video I became a Muslim and converted to Islam after one week!

(smiles broadly)

No, you guessed right my dear friends.

Those are not my words.

They are true words, however. They are an honest confession of a youtube user named "SPAINEURO2008" on August 2, 2008.

Fate works in mysterious ways, don't you agree? Who knew, three years later, a muslimah would stumble upon such a memorable statement when she was wondering around in cyberspace, downloading miscellaneous videos for her collection. Of course, the title interested me right away, as it did 1,592,768 viewers, at least that's the current number. I had to know..I had to click it. I had to know what was so revealing to this person that opened his/her heart and mind to the deen that has guided me all these years.

Exactly...what did SPAINEURO2008 see?

The Sex of a Baby

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله إلاّ الله والله اكبر
(Pronounced: Subhanallah. Walhamdulillah. Wala Ilaha Illallah. Wallallahu akbar.)

Those were the words (zikr) that automatically came out of my mouth. Subhanallah..

I remembered during my secondary school lessons, and later in matriculation, again I learned the same thing. About genetics. About Gregor Mendel and the discovery he made. The discovery which was revolutionary to the scientific world. Nobody ever thought of genes as the all-important factor 'governing' life. Not before Mendel.

I remembered doing the exercise of separating genes (drawing on paper of course) of a certain trait and combining them with the separated gene of the other plant or human, hence I know the ratio of possible gene outcomes in the next generation. (Malaysian students will know what I mean :) ) I liked that exercise. It was fun and an easy way to score marks in examinations.

What I never, ever thought was, how significant that particular knowledge was.

It was significant to SPAINEURO2008. Allahu Akbar..I never knew, that knowledge would open someone's heart to Islam.

My dear friends, and readers,

Before our time, humans thought that the sex of a baby was influenced by the mother. Somehow, that was the accepted 'fact' of the time. Perhaps it is because women were the child-bearers, not the men. Others thought that the sex of a baby were influenced by both the mother and father.

Then came our time. The present modern science tells us that the sex of a baby is indeed due to the cells of the father.

As clearly narrated in the video, because a male's sex chromosome is XY it will divide by meiosis into two types of sperm cells. One type contains the X chromosome while the other type carries the Y chromosome. And, and..because a female's sex chromosome is XX, the egg or ovum is only of one type; bearing the X chromosome.

The formation of a baby needs both the sex cells of the mother and the father. Hence, when an X sperm cell penetrates an ovum, the baby is female. When a Y sperm cell combines with an ovum, the the baby is male.

Conclusion, it is the male's sex cell which decides the sex of the baby.

Now, that discovery is extraordinary on its own account. Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate all scientific progress in this world. In fact, it is a marvel to be able to know things you never did before.

But, what if I tell you now, as the video told me, as the video told SPAINEURO2008, that someone...knew about it before us?

Someone well before our time. Well before Mendel's time. Well before science's time.

"That He created pairs - male and female - out of a drop of sperm as it is poured forth"
(Translation of Surah an-Najm 53: 45-46)

Muhammad pbuh knew.

But he was illiterate. He could not read or write, much less know of some great knowledge proven only 1400 years after his death!

How could he have known then? How could he, accused by some of writing the Quran, have such wisdom to 'write' and pass it down generation after generation?

I don't know how long one scientific theory needs to be researched until it becomes an accepted fact. I have no idea what sort of genius you'd have to be to even come up with such theories.

But one man...who lived all his life in the vast deserts of Arabia, far from anything modern or scientific...he just happened to know?


I don't believe that. I can't. It's illogical.

Especially when Muhammad pbuh claims no credit whatsoever from his accused 'writings'. What did he say then?

"These words are not mine, but they are the words of Allah, the one and only God."

I don't know about you, but that, made perfect sense to me.

Of course! If the Quran is the word of Allah (Kalamullah), then of course it made perfect sense! The Creator and Lord (Rabb) of this world must know everything about His creations! Down to the last detail! Then He sent down those knowledge to mankind, the offspring of Prophet Adam pbuh through His many prophets, the last being Prophet Muhammad pbuh. The Quran is the last revelation which completes the revelations of the all the prophets pbut.

Doesn't that make sense to you?

Women were Blamed for Something Scientifically Not Their Fault

Now that subtitle is a mouthful. (laughs inwardly)

It does women justice though.

I'm not sure about other cultures at the time, but Arabic men hated female offsprings at one time. The Quran tells of their shame and anger in Surah az-Zukhruf the 43-rd surah, ayat 17, translation:

"And when one of them was given the good news with what was associated with the Most Gracious (a daughter/female offspring), his face became very black/dark and he was angry."

The ignorant Arabs before Islam came say that the angels (malaikah/ ملائكة) were Allah's daughters. That was what it meant by  "with what was associated with the Most Gracious ". They say that Allah has daughters while they themselves were angry and shameful of having one! They were so ashamed of that fact that their faces became black/dark because of that! Some...even buried their young daughters alive.

But look at this fact now!

The Quran has said it! Science has proven it!

That the blame was never on women. It was upon their very selves. Allah Taala al-Hakim (The Most Wise) has engraved that destiny (taqdir) in their very genes. In their very chromosomes.

Now dear friends,
Isn't al-Quran rahmatal lil `alamin (mercy on all the worlds)?

It came to alleviate a woman's status (among other things). Al-Quran was here first, as the word of God, upholding a woman's right.

Don't Believe Me 

My dear friends and readers,
I have said and passed on what fate has decided to show me. What Allah Taala has cleverly embedded in my lifetime, at this very moment.

I'm not asking you to believe in me.

Please, really. (raising both hands) Don't believe me. Who knows, I might be lying.

But please, will you not consider believing in the Quran?

Give it a chance. Please. You won't regret it.

pbuh=peace be upon him
pbut=peace be upon them

The other miracle about Quran using the term "`Alaq (علق)" is also true. You can find out about the nature of a zygote in the mother's womb in Biology books, or just search the internet for scholarly articles. You will find that the zygote clings to the mother's womb in a "leech-like" manner, perfect description of the word "`Alaq". Bear in mind that this knowledge is about the ongoing developments of a baby while still in the womb, and well, would any man, especially living in the desert 14 centuries ago have known such a matching description?

It's your choice.

here's the link to SPAINEURO2008's video. It is the same as the video in this post, although with less clarity. I believe the video is based on Harun Yahya's works.

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